Monday, September 06, 2010


101. Spiderman - all three films, each with something different to teach about everyday heroism.

102. The chicks' quickly growing wing feathers... and claws, and tail feathers, and independence!

103. The comforting, warm, homey smell of chicken pot pie.

104.  Dogs basking in the late summer sun.

105.  Watching old movies with my mom and two of my brothers.

106.  100-year old books, discovered at the local used bookstore, for a dollar each.

107.  Butter.

108.  Herbal tea, perfect for a not-quite-well tummy.

109.  A washer and dryer that work.

110.  A good meal and conversation with my Mom and brother Jonny.

111.  Old humorous poetry

112.  The fresh feel of a clean face.

113.  A successful house-and-dog-sitting job completed - no major disasters, no break-ins.

114.  Getting to see my dear and much-missed friend Melissa, sharing our stories over coffee and scones, tough advice and empathetic encouragement.

115.  Being reminded (by Melissa) of how abundantly God desires to bless us, sometimes waiting until we've given up all our dreams to Him so He can then give them back in more splendor.

116.  Being reminded by Spiderman that "Sometimes, to do what's right, we have to be steady, and give up the things we want the most. Even our dreams."

117.  Spending time with my friend Kate over the long weekend.

118.  Playing with little Rebekah, "reading" her a worldless picture book.

119.  The gift of a stoneware casserole dish - thank you, Sarah! 

120.  Being able to sleep in my own house tonight.

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