Monday, August 30, 2010


(I'm going to try again to do these on Mondays.  We shall see.)

81. A long, slow Saturday afternoon.  It was actually restful, refreshing, and it slipped off into night leaving me more ready to face Monday than I have been in a while.  A good Sabbath.

82. My brother Zach, man and Marine-in-the-making, prayed for and farewelled and boldly gone off to boot camp yesterday after church.

83. Sandwiches, especially on Hawaiian buns.

84. A mother and a brother to make sandwiches for.

85.  A "little" brother (age 16, taller than me) who's neither ashamed or too busy to meet his sister (me) at Barnes and Nobles to quietly sip stuff and read our respective books in companionable silence

86.  The nearness of fall, announced by slightly-cooler weather.

87.  Books by Charles Dickens, like Dombey and Son.  Somber.  Moody.  Autumnal. Understatedly humorous. Filled with great moral depth, and the comforting knowledge that Dickens will probably let some of the good characters end happily.  Way better and more wholesome than Twilight, but with plenty of bleakness to satisfy those of us who go in for melancholy and darkness-with-light-peeping-through-the-cracks sorts of tales.

88.  Loreena McKennitt's music - also autumnal.

89.  Well-kneeded bread dough, after several rises, a smooth lump of elasticity.

90.  Energy to make bread again. 

91.  The smell of fresh bread - pitas, which all puffed up nice and plump.

92.  The spicy-sweet smoked aroma of bacon frying in a pan.

93.  AWANA starting up again this Wednesday - I miss my 5-6 grade girls!  I also miss the games, songs, council time, memorizing the Word, and hanging out with different members of my church family.

94.  The fact that my mom and some other ladies are about to study the same book my Bible Study group just finished.  It was a really good one, so I'm excited for her.  :-)

95.  A warm sun - a cold sun would be so disappointing, wouldn't it?

96.  Our six warm little chicks.

98.  Vanilla Chi tea.

99.  A reminder to not be obsessed with my service, but rather with who I am in Christ.

100.  The unending love of my Savior, and the treasures in heaven He calls me to lay up.  Because most things on my lists, blessings though they be, are only fleetingly mine.  I'm glad to know that if I became a penniless beggar on the street tomorrow, I would be just as rich as ever in the things which matter.

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