Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Boundless Summer Challenge - Task 12-13

So, I've been behind in updates on the Challenge - insanely crazy last few days, filled with great fellowship, work, and tending animals and gardens.  But I've kept up with the tasks themselves, for the most part.  Here's a quick update: 

Task 12 - Make Church a Priority

"So use your gifts to serve your church. Be eager to be a part. Embrace your need for the church. Build your life around your church. Imitate Christ, who loved the church and gave himself up for her (Eph 5:25).

Pour your life into it — make Jesus' passion your passion."  Joshua Harris, Pour Your Life into It

This weekend, the assignment was to read a couple of articles about the Church, and then do one of three things: 1) find and go to a church if you normally don't, 2) get plugged in if you're not already, or 3) do something to show appreciation to the pastoral staff.

I'm fairly involved with my church already (AWANA, youth group), so my task was #3.  I decided to make cinnamon rolls, which I brought up to the church office on Monday morning for the staff, elders, interns, and whoever might be there.  Wrote a little note to the "unsung heroes." :-)  I also made sure to thank our preaching pastor for his excellent sermon.

These articles, the memory verses in Romans, and the sermon Sunday (about doing what you're designed to do) have reminded me that God designed everyone with different gifts and passion.  Occasionally we are called to do things we're uncomfortable with, but usually we can serve God best by doing what we enjoy for others!  I enjoy baking, and sharing our home with people, and inviting girls out to coffee.  So I'm going to do those things, and not apologize anymore saying I "only" do such-and-such, which is an excuse Satan has probably encouraged me to use for years, resulting in selfishly used time and opportunities lost due to laziness.

Task 13 -  Beginning of Worldview Week - Memorize Romans 12:1-2 and read or listen to John Piper's sermon "A Cause Worth Living For."  

I learned the verses a while back in AWANA, but they need a little polishing.  I'm still a bit clumsy with last week's passage - Step it up, Rael!

Good sermon by Piper!  Great reminder of the great truth we know that the world is dying to hear, seeking a life of thrilling significance in so many things when only God will give it to them.  How can I keep it a secret, or be ashamed of the gospel, or be intimidated by initial rejection?  May God help me share! 

(More later, when I actually have time to write!)

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